The Lymphatic System, what it means for you

By Jet Rupar, LMT EP-C What I want to do today is talk about the lymphatic system specifically today. Why? Because there are many people who have no idea that the lymphatic system even exists in its entirety. (NOTE: I am going to try to 

Resolutions.. Why I’ve decided against them in my life

Jet Rupar, LMT EP-C A new year has just come to us. Many of us (including myself) tend to make resolutions for the new year. They are usually ways we want to make ourselves better, and take the form of losing weight, eating better, or 

Massage and Water….

By Jet Rupar, LMT EP-C As a massage therapist, I try to explain why drinking water after a massage is so darn important. But, as humans, we do tend to just brush off the “please drink lots of water” request. I want to tell you 

At home during a pandemic? What can we do?

By: Jeanette Rupar, LMT BCTMB It’s a season.  We’re all stuck at home, trying to not be sick.  Getting bored?? Here’s a list of things you can do while staying home! (Compiled by yours truly, so hang in there, it may get…  interesting). (And I 

Winter tip for dry hands

By: Jeanette Rupar, LMT BCTMB Winter is definitely in full swing! And I am feeling it, especially my hands. They are constantly dry, irritated, and almost cracked. Mind you, as a massage therapist, I wash my hands… a lot. Even if you aren’t washing your 


By: Jeanette Rupar, LMT, BCTMB Last week I talked a bit about how posture throughout the day can affect your muscles. What if I told you that doing something as simple as stretching can really make a difference in how your muscles feel at the 

How can paying attention to my posture help me?

By: Jeanette Rupar, LMT, BCTMB Each day, we go through our lives without thinking about all of the ways we use our bodies.  Walking, chores, cooking, working at our desks. And then, at the end of the day, our bodies are sore, stiff, and we 

On Why I keep talking about self care

By: Jeanette Rupar, LMT, BCTMB Over and over again, I talk about self care. Here on my blogs, on my personal and business facebook pages. On LinkedIn. On Instagram. Why do you keep telling us about it? you may ask. So, let me tell you 

Water and your body. Why it’s important that you have it.

By: Jeanette Rupar, LMT, BCTMB We all hear about how water is important. About things like heat stroke, heat exhaustion, dehydration. But what exactly are some of these things? Why is water so darn important? I mean, things like coffee and pop have water in 

What does this self-care thing look like anyhow?

By: Jeanette Rupar, LMT, BCTMB Self-care. We hear about it all the time. It brings up thoughts of hot baths with candles and a book, or maybe a spa day with large white fluffy robes with massages and facials oh my. But what specifically is