Resolutions.. Why I’ve decided against them in my life

Jet Rupar, LMT EP-C

A new year has just come to us. Many of us (including myself) tend to make resolutions for the new year. They are usually ways we want to make ourselves better, and take the form of losing weight, eating better, or some other positive thing we would like to accomplish over the next 12 months. A fresh new three hundred and sixty five days to make ourselves better people.

And usually, we quit these resolutions within the first few weeks or months.

This year I had decided to do something different. This past year has shown me that plans can change at a moments notice for whatever reason. And sometimes our best new years resolutions end up being not so great for us in the long term. So why wait until a new year to start making myself better. If I want to change something, why not start now instead of however long down the road. Right now is always a good time to start trying something new to better yourself, because there will almost never be a perfect time to do the thing.

We are also never going to be perfect at doing the thing right away. Life will always have a trail and error. (Author’s Note here: I am a perfectionist. I feel like I have to have things right the first time, or I have failed myself and the world. Fortunately, the world doesn’t really work that way. Yes, the failures can hurt. We are allowed to grumble about them. But one can always pick themselves up again and just go and do it. I’ve learned just working at it until you make it is an amazing philosophy!!! Anyhow, back to the blog at hand…) Things will either work, or they won’t. If they work, keep doing it. If it doesn’t.. Take a seat. What specifically didn’t work? Was it something small and specific? Can it be something that can be changed?? If so, or even if not, try something else. And you know what, if you find out that specific thing isn’t for you, that is ok.

Life is short. Grab your dreams now. It can be tough. But nothing that is truly worth it is going to be easy….