On Why I keep talking about self care

By: Jeanette Rupar, LMT, BCTMB

Over and over again, I talk about self care. Here on my blogs, on my personal and business facebook pages. On LinkedIn. On Instagram. Why do you keep telling us about it? you may ask. So, let me tell you a bit of a story.

I am a very active person. I tend to do a bunch of things on my free time, because life is way too short not to do the things you love. And I love being outdoors, I love to travel and see new things. In the matter of a week and a half, I went camping, came home and did my business stuff, and then went to Niagara Falls for the weekend to goto the comic con that was being held there. I traveled over 3.5 hours each way, which is really nothing for me, I have travelled longer to get to places. I had a most wonderful time. While there, I didn’t do the things I typically do if I am at home and working. I didn’t drink as much water. Or stretch nearly as much as I should have. And I definitely didn’t do those things while I was driving. But again, I did have a bunch of fun.

However, due to not doing the things I typically do, nor reminding myself to do those things (which I have gotten good at when I realize I’m forgetting to do those things), I woke up this morning feeling stiff, and overly tired, and not quite sure what needed to be done for the day and to help my body along. It has taken me several hours to re-acclimate to my normal daily routine.

However, I tend to help this by reminders. I will remind other people to stretch, or drink water, or take a rest. Because it helps me to remember to do those things that *I* need to do.

Taking care of yourself is important. Doing all of the things that allow you to function properly through the day allows you to also get your work done, and take care of the things you need and your family. Days can get busy, and it can wear you down. But doing the small things to help your brain know that you are doing alright is a good thing. Because that’s what helps us to get through our lives.

Love yourself. Take care of yourself. If you don’t know how, take steps on figuring out what makes you feel better. Drink the water. Eat the healthy food (because that’s how your body gets the stuff it needs to work properly). Exercise. Stretch. Get out and take a walk. And yes, take your meds. Because if your body doesn’t make the things it needs, store bought is fine.

Why do I preach self care? Because it is a way to remind myself to take care of me so I can help you take care of you.