What would you do…….?
I was once asked by a friend… “What would you do with your life if you were completely healthy and nothing could hinder me??” This really got me to thinking….. What would I do???
Life of course is never easy, and pain happens to everyone. There has been some health stuff that has *really* affected me, to the point where I didn’t feel comfortable leaving the house in case things would happen. Being sick after eating can make being in a public place uncomfortable, who wants other people to hear that???? Hip pain upon standing to much makes me not want to go for walks (and I LOVE walking outdoors).
I don’t want to forget the anxiety and brain weasels, either. Before I was on medication for my anxiety, it was crippling, and I never seemed to do anything but churn my wheels and not get anywhere. I would worry of everything, from things I said 10 years ago, to the strange look from a mouse. Ok, maybe not a mouse. It get’s the point across however. The anxiety was bad (and nothing pretty about it).
So what would I do?
There are some things I would do that I am already doing. I absolutely love having my own business. Owning this business has always been a dream of mine, and it’s finally actualizing itself. And I travel as I can (i.e., when money and time line up). I love seeing new places and meeting new people. And there is so much stuff out in the world to see!
If nothing were to hold me back:
1. I would want to travel and go on more treks. Like, actual long hikes across country. What a great way to be in nature, and see the expanse that is our world. This, of course would require….
2. Training. More treks would require training my body how to better handle these situation. I realize that treks like this would require lots of walking and cardio, but it would also require at least some weight lifting, which I absolutely love doing. Mostly because it helps decrease the overall sore that I normally feel while living my life.
3. Seeing more people daily in my business. Not only for massage, but for fitness/health coaching. My body will sometimes stop me in my tracks and tell me its a Nope type of day. Fortunately, those days are getting fewer and fewer.
4. I would love to see my friends more. There are days that I truthfully don’t want to leave the house for one reason or another, which means not being able to see the people that bring me joy. I do keep in touch, but not having the face to face takes out some of the fun of it.
This is just a small fraction of what I’m sure would be things I would do if I didn’t have to deal with my body issues. These are the big things. The things I sit and dream about each and every day.
Think about it.. What would you do if you didn’t have to deal with pain and other issues?
Note: My brain loves telling me how I’m an imposter for wanting to do fitness and health coaching. It tells me this because I am a heavy set person. And because I do have all of these issues. Even though I know I have the information that people could use to become healthier, I constantly think of how people will judge me because I am not “fitness normal”. (Because people can be like this, and my brain weasels are well, not great things).