On motivation, pain, and reinventing my own lifestyle.

On motivation, pain, and reinventing my own lifestyle.

By: Jet Rupar

I know it’s been a week or so since I have posted anything about changing my lifestyle to include more exercise so that I may be my healthiest self possible. It’s been quite a week for me!! Have a minute to listen?

One of the biggest obstacles to me starting to work out again has been hip pain that has plagued me for years now. Any time I stand for too long, my right hip hurts right where the sacrum meets up with my hip. On top of that, my body felt twisted. I had no idea what to do to make it better myself. I went to a chiropractor, and all they told me was that I needed to strengthen my right side, that that was what was causing my problem. I went to one massage therapist for a while to help my body to loosen, but not even that seemed to help. Much frustration ensued.

While I was on my trip to Colorado, I got some SMRT work. And it made me realize that yes, my body IS twisted and that no, I am not going crazy. Bonus was that everything that was done never made me hurt. (Because work smarter not harder is a thing.) This gave me some hope, even though my hip would still bother me.

Friday comes around, and I am on my table getting a very lovely massage. They start working around my sacrum, finding many trigger points around my right sacral area and found some very tight muscle right above my right hip bone. Which tells me that no, not going crazy, something is DEFINITELY going on. Since then, I have been trying to work on this issue myself. I have also made an appointment to get physical therapy to help with this issue. Because this is a part of what self care I need to help my body become better.

This week also saw me doing more healthy food choices for myself.

Right now it is changing refined sugar treats to fruit choices, and adding in veggies as a quick food source. Apples with peanut butter have been a favorite, as well as hummus and either carrots, celery or orange/red peppers. It has not been easy, but it’s been a fairly good transition so far. I’m relying less on chocolate and more on smarter choices.

With the holidays coming up, it’s not going to be the easiest to stay away from all of the things. However, I have a few weeks to start relearning how to portion things and not eat everything in sight!

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