Stress in the time of Covid.

Jet Rupar, LMT EP-C


There’s been a lot of it going around this year. Covid 19. Stay at home warnings. Working from home while also dealing with kids in school (or just pushy pets, if your in a situation like mine, where my coworker is a cat).

I will admit, this October has been a bit more stressful for me than I actually care for. However, that is just my story.

We all deal with stress differently than anyone else, or even with ourselves on different days. I know I myself, when stressed, typically delve deeply into my work. There are days, though, that I stare at my laptop with glazed eyes and no brain cells working wondering what I should be doing. I then turn on the tv, and find absolutely nothing to watch. And reading is a no go, because my attention span is shorter than the length of a fly.

I will admit whole heartedly that it can be overly frustrating. I want to do something productive, anything that can get me out of this weird funk.

Wait, weird funk???

Most definitely. Especially with the daylight ebbing away in the darkness that is winter. More darkness, plus not getting the amount of hugs and touch that I am used to (and yes, I am living with family who give me hugs). So stress can get a bit high. The darkness sometimes takes over in my brain as I try to stay afloat for myself as well as others.

If you’re feeling this too, know that you’re not alone. Or if you’re feeling other feelings, you are also not alone. We are all trying to navigate this year with what little umph we can. I’m not saying that next year is going to be better or worse. There is no way of knowing what is going to happen in the future (unless you can see into the future, of course… but that is neither here or now).

I know myself I’ve been trying to find the energy to do some self care stuff. Reading books for fun (which I’ve not done a lot of this year, because I had stuff to study for). Even just a few pages seems to help me escape just enough to help my mood. Getting into music has also helped me much. Not only have I started to learn to play an instrument, but I love singing at the top of my lungs (badly) to songs in the car. I find it helps me to release at least a little bit of that energy that has been pent up.

There are so many other things to do to destress, as well. And even if you don’t have the energy or mind power to do art, or learn something new, there is no reason to feel bad (my brain power to do things has been lower since this has started, and more than it may seem from looking at my posts from the outside). Just find something. Even if it’s reaching out to a friend. Text them, video them, call them on the phone. It can be nice to hear a voice. And I know it’s not the same, but it is at least something.

We are all in this together. Just reach out. We want to hear from you.